Smoked Salmon

Smoked Salmon

I have been playing with smoked salmon recipes for years and this quick dry-brine process is easy and delicious. A go-to appetizer in our house any time there’s a party. Hope you enjoy. Try serving it with plain bagels and cream cheese. You can serve it over the salad or create something new.

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Smoked Salmon in dry brine

Course Main Course


  • 3 cups brown sugar divided
  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • 4 pounds salmon fillets
  • 3 garlic cloves grounded
  • 3 cups wood chips


  • Combine all the salt and sugar and garlic in a bowl and mix well. This makes a dry brine for the salmon.
  • Softly pat the dry brine in the bottom of a large baking pan that can hold the entire piece of salmon.Lay the side of salmon on top of the dry brine mixture. Bury the salmon in the remaining half of the brine and pat it down. Crimp the edges of brine mixture down so that the salmon is completely sealed in the mixture. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 and a half hours.Run cold water over both sides of the salmon and rinse the salt and brown sugar off of the meat. Then pat the salmon dry with paper towels
  • After drying the salmon off, an extra step that can add to a rich smokey flavor is a process of adding a pellicle formation to the salmon. A pellicle formation is where the skin will become tacky to the touch and the meat will have shine on it. To get a pellicle formation, lay the salmon on a rack in a cool place and circulate air over it for as short as two hours .This process will help the meat absorb smoke, it also seals in some of the moisture. I’ve noticed that when I use this step, it prevents the white fatty substance from oozing out of the meat.
  • Then cook it accordantly to your smoker or grill. I have electric smoker, so I make sure that iit will be in smoker 1,5 hours on 250 F.

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